Thursday, June 2

People Like Sex

People like sex. I know I do, and you do too.
I know sometimes I get bored and I'll search the internet for porn, or some sex blog, or relationship advice ( a fancy sex blog) and I will sit there for hours on end reading and watching others opinions on sex. The only thing that I can tell is universal between all races, and view points, and political values: people like sex.

Now I personally do not know what is so intriguing to me about other people's sex life, but I do know that one of the main reasons I purchase Cosmopolitan magazines every month is because 80% of the time there is a article featuring "SEX" on the cover. Myself, I'll write sex fantasies (which I may share one day) whenever a certain idea lingers in my head too long.

Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for answers to obvious questions. Things like "is it unhealthy for me to be thinking about sex this much?" and "I'm pretty sure there are about 20% of the people I know having sex at this very moment" are common thoughts I'll have while let's say, waiting for the cheeseburger I just ordered.

When I was younger, sex was this mystery that none of the older people would talk about. I read a lot of FanFiction (Harry Potter to be exact) because I was curious about was sex its self was. I watched even more porn that I read stories and lost all interest in the act of sex in general. As I got older I started learning about different fetishes. I was truly blown away the first time I saw a girl tied up and forced to perform fellatio. My instant thought was "people do this?" and I continued to search for and find crazy things people do to get their kicks.

I don't share my views on sex with random people anymore because I've been called kinky one too many times and I can't even tell if it's a good or bad thing anymore.


Honestly said...

I will admit I read this because I saw sex

lili.lovely828 said...

SMH :]